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Tempura Vegetables

Welcome to Jacqui's Kitchen

For the love of food

Welcome to my blog, I am a passionate home cook, I believe in supporting local food businesses and food producers.

On this blog I will share recipes from my favourite cookery writers that I love to cook,  I hope to inspire you to try new recipes, whether cooking for your family on a daily basis or entertaining friends I do the hard work trawling through cook books looking for different recipes and trying them out, before recommending them to you.

I will also try to  list suppliers of hard to find ingredients.  I am an Aga user, so will also specify which oven to use on an Aga when listing temperatures.

I love to grow my own produce whether outdoors in summer or in my indoor smart garden in winter and will share my progress and tips for using a smart garden and delicious recipes using the produce grown in it.

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