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  • Writer's picturejacsfoodlove

Aubergine Dip

A smoky aubergine dip - known as Moutabal (serves 4)

This dip is delicious served as a dip with pitta breads, as part of a mezze or along side barbecued meats such as lamb kebabs, it is very easy to make, delicious and very moreish!

Charring the aubergines either on a barbecue or over a gas flame is essential to give the dip its distinctive smoky flavour.


2 large aubergines

50g tahini paste

1 tbsp lemon juice


extra virgin olive oil, to drizzle

(optional 1 tbsp pomegranate seeds, delicious if serving as part of a mezze)


Char the aubergines, if using a bbq just place over hot coals, turning regularly until charred and collapsing, this will ensure they are cooked and tender.

If using a gas flame, place a wire rack directly over the flame, place aubergines on rack, cook turning regularly until charred and collapsing.

Remove from heat and leave until just cool enough to handle, if you leave them to cool too much the skins will be difficult to remove.

Peel & discard skins, leave to cool to room temperature.

Finely chop aubergine flesh, place in a bowl. Add tahini, lemon juice & salt to taste, mix well.

Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil & sprinkle with pomegranate seeds if using.


This can be made in advance, if making day before, cover and place in refrigerator, remove and allow to come to room temperature before serving.

Delicious served with:

For links to low-carb alternatives to flatbread & couscous salad recipes, see lamb kebab recipe.

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