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  • Writer's picturejacsfoodlove

Click & Grow Black Friday Sale now on

If you've always wanted a smart garden, now is the time to buy one.

Smart Garden 3's, 9's, 9 pro's and 27's all have 30% off, plus all pods currently have 30% off and if you buy 10 or more packs you get 40% off.

Recently I started one of my smart gardens again as the plants had all finished their life in the smart garden and had either been planted on or thrown out. See below to see how you set up a Click & Grow smart garden.

Below are some images showing how to start your smart garden, click the right arrow to see each image and see steps written below;

  1. Set up your Click & Grow garden add water and plug in.

  2. Plant your chosen pod in the plant cup and cover with clear dome.

  3. Download the Click & Grow app, find & add your chosen plant to your garden on the app.

  4. The app will name your plant and give you information such as time to sprout, when it should be ready to harvest, ideal growing temperatures, germination speeds and various other useful bits of information about that specific plant variety.

  5. Continue to add each of your plants to the app until your garden is full.

  6. It is a good idea to label each of your plants so that you know which is which, I like to add the names given to them in the app as well as the plant variety.

One of the things I love about my smart gardens is that when the plants are nearing the end of their life in the smart garden they can be planted on and will continue to thrive and grow on you kitchen window sill for months to come. Things like wild strawberries and green sorrel can even be planted outside and will come back every year.

  1. When your plants are reaching their life expectancy in your smart garden, their is plenty of life left in a lot of them if you plant them on. (Depending on plant type, lettuce generally only crop once).

  2. Roots in the cup are quite compact meaning the plant will die off if not transplanted.

  3. Gently loosen the roots with your fingers, trying not to break them, this will enable them to grow into the new soil when potted on. I like to use regular grow bag compost made especially for veg & fruiting plants to plant on.

  4. Potted up basil plants that will continue to thrive and produce delicious fresh basil for months to come.

The newly planted garden:

  1. Day 1

  2. Day 5 - Leaf radish growing well, Green lettuce, Red & Green Oakleaf lettuce all sprouting

  3. Day 18 - Leaf radish ready to harvest, lettuce & chives coming on well, Oregano & Thyme starting to sprout.

I love to grow herbs that normally grow in my garden in the Summer, such as chives, oregano, mint, thyme etc in my smart garden in the winter, this way I get to use them in my cooking, fresh and homegrown all year round.

When you use your own organic, homegrown produce in your cooking it gives you an enormous sense of fulfilment. See the working with a smart garden category in my recipes to see some of the ways I use the produce I grow in my Click & Grow smart gardens and see below for some of those recipes.

  1. Ham hock & pea salad with quail eggs, fresh herbs & edible flowers

  2. Seafood stew with fresh herbs & alioli

  3. Hot tomatoes, cold yoghurt

  4. Olive oil poached halibut with cherry tomatoes & basil

  5. Roasted aubergine with saffron yoghurt & basil

  6. Cherry tomatoes with goats cheese & thyme oil

For more information on smart gardens, see my page 'Smart Garden' which gives you links to all my posts re Click & Grow smart gardens.

And if you are interested in buying one, please click on the following link to the Click & Grow Store.


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