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  • Writer's picturejacsfoodlove

Fish Stock

Updated: Apr 28, 2022

Homemade fish stock is very simple to make, it is well worth making as it gives a wonderful flavour to rice dishes, pasta dishes etc. If you buy your fish from a fishmonger or fishmonger's counter in a supermarket, choose whole fish and ask your fishmonger to fillet the fish and give you the bones, or if you ask your fishmonger they will usually give you a bag of fish bones and heads for free.


1.5kg fish bones, fish heads etc

2.5l water

small handful of button mushrooms, sliced

1 large onion, quartered

1 large leek, cut into 4 pieces

1 large carrot, cut into 4 pieces

1 celery stick halved

1 sprig of thyme

1 bulb of fennel thickly sliced


Place all ingredients into a large saucepan, bring to a boil, simmer for 45 mins, strain through a fine sieve, use or store.

Top tip:

I make large batches of stock, I have a couple of silicone muffin trays, each muffin mould within the tray is 100ml, I place the trays on a board (makes it easier to move them) and fill with stock and freeze, when frozen these can then be easily popped out and put into a ziplock freezer bag. When you need stock, your stock is conveniently in 100ml cubes to use as needed. Make sure you clearly label your bag, if like me you make all sorts of stock you can then easily identify which is the bag of fish stock or chicken stock or whatever you need, remember when frozen, generally they all look the same.

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