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  • Writer's picturejacsfoodlove

My Smart Garden progress

Updated: Mar 28, 2022

Photo 1 - 4 days after planting Photo 2 - 21 days Photo 3 - 35 days & Photo 4 - 42 days

On day 1 of my smart garden I planted 2 yellow mini tomato pods, 1 basil pod and 2 lettuce pods, the Smart Garden 9 includes as standard a 3-pack of each of the above. I decided wanted straight away to grow a variety of things that I would use, not just the 3 things that came with the garden.

On day 4, I had sprouts shooting through the soil for the lettuce and basil, and decided I had better get the other pods that I wanted as soon as possible. I visited my local Compu b Store (Apple store) in Cork City and bought a 3-pack of Wild strawberry plants and planted these, unfortunately they didn't have Parsley & Coriander in stock, so I ordered them online from Click & Grow together with the mini herb shears and some natural reed straws ready to support my tomatoes when they start bearing fruit. These arrived about 2 weeks after I had planted my first pods, my garden was now full.

You can see from the second photo, taken 3 weeks after initial planting that the lettuces were growing really well, the basil was starting to produce baby basil leaves and the tomatoes were also growing well. I soon realised that pods germinate at different times, even the same plants, one of my tomatoes germinated about 10 days after the first. This is where the app comes in useful, it tells you when your plant should be germinating and I thought that the second plant was not going to germinate but when I looked at the app, it said that my plant should have germinated by now but if not wait another week. The following week my second tomato plant started sprouting.

At around 28 days, I started picking the outer leaves of my lettuce, they are wonderfully tasty, and at around 35 days, my basil. The app also tells you when to start harvesting to ensure more thriving growth and even has videos to show you how to best trim your plants for optimum production. It is now 42 days since I planted my garden and all of my plants are thriving, I am even getting tiny flowers on my tomatoes, I am picking my basil regularly to promote more growth and will shortly be starting to pick my coriander and parsley. Fruiting plants seem to take around 12-18 weeks to bear fruit, so I should have lovely little tomatoes and strawberries at Christmas.

That's it for now, I will continue to put updates on my blog with the progress of my garden and would encourage anyone to get one, they would make fabulous Christmas gifts.

If you are interested in buying a smart garden for yourself, click on the link below for a 10% discount (discount will be entered automatically at checkout) OR enter discount code JACQUI10 if not using this link.

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