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Shiitake Mushroom soup with Pulled Chicken (serves 4)

Updated: May 15, 2023

This is a super tasty hearty soup, first chicken legs are cooked gently in a stock flavoured with lemongrass & lime leaves, when cooked the meat is removed from the bone and shredded, half of it goes into the soup as it is, the other half is fried until crisp, adding a lovely crunchy texture to the soup.

The broth itself is made using the stock the chicken is cooked in, then a honey & soy caramel is added, the mushrooms, celery, onions & garlic are then poached in this fabulous broth. When ready to serve, the soft juicy chicken is stirred in together with spring onions, chillies & sherry vinegar and all topped off with the crispy fried chicken.

I highly recommend you give it a go, you won't regret it and it has the advantage of being low-carb & gluten-free too, so it's healthy & hearty.

Recipe is by Tom Kerridge, taken from his book Dopamine Diet-My low-carb, stay-happy way to lose weight.


2 chicken stock cubes

2 lemongrass stalks, bruised with a flat blade of a knife

2 lime leaves

4 chicken legs, free-range or higher welfare if possible

3 tbsp clear honey

3 tbsp dark soy sauce (use gluten free soy sauce if needed)

200g fresh shiitake mushrooms (sliced if large)

4 celery sticks, rough strings removed, sliced

1 onion, halved & thinly sliced

2 garlic cloves, grated

2 tbsp vegetable oil

2 bunches of spring onions, trimmed & finely sliced

2 green chillies, sliced (seeds left in if you can take it)

2 tbsp sherry vinegar

Sea Salt & freshly ground black pepper


Pour 1.2 litres of water into a large pan, crumble in stock cubes & bring to the boil.

Add lemongrass & lime leaves, followed by the chicken legs, lower heat and simmer gently for 45-60 minutes, until legs are very tender.

Remove chicken legs and leave to cool. Pass stock through a fine sieve and set aside.

2 chicken stock cubes, 2 lemongrass stalks, 2 lime leaves, 4 chicken legs

In a separate pan, warm the honey over a medium heat, stirring, until it begins to bubble. Stop stirring and leave to turn to caramel, watch it carefully until it turns a nice golden brown. Immediately pour in soy sauce (this will stop the cooking & prevent it burning) followed by the strained stock and bring to the boil.

3 tbsps clear honey, 3 tbsp dark soy sauce

Turn the heat down to a simmer, add mushrooms & celery and poach very gently for 5 minutes, until just cooked. Add onion & garlic.

200g fresh shiitake mushrooms, 4 sliced celery sticks, 1 thinly sliced onion, 2 grated cloves of garlic

Using 2 forks, pull apart and flake meat & skin from chicken legs.

Heat the oil in a non-stick frying pan over a medium-high heat and fry half of the pulled chicken until crisp. Drain on kitchen paper and season with salt & pepper.

Reserved poached chicken legs, 2 tbsp vegetable oil, Salt & freshly ground black pepper​

Add remaining chicken to the broth. Add most of the spring onions & chillies (reserving a few to sprinkle on top) together with sherry vinegar and stir to mix, season with salt & pepper to taste.

2 bunches of finely sliced spring onions, 2 sliced green chillies, 2 tbsp sherry vinegar

Serve in warm bowls, scatter over crispy fried chicken, reserved spring onions & chilli slices, serve at once.

Notes on where I source my ingredients:

All ingredients are readily available, I get mine from:

Chicken legs from O'Sullivan's Poultry, The English Market, Cork

(use free-range or higher welfare if possible)

Dark Soy Sauce and sherry vinegar from Mr Bells Global Food Emporium, The English Market, Cork

Lemongrass, lime leaves, shiitake mushrooms & all other veg from Superfruit, The English Market, Cork

Recipe taken from Tom Kerridge's Dopamine Diet, a book packed full of absolutely delicious, super tasty low-carb recipes that helped him lose a staggering 11 stone in weight.
If you are interested in buying this book, please use the link.
Thank you

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