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  • Writer's picturejacsfoodlove

The Click & Grow Birthday Sale

It's Click & Grow's 13th birthday and to celebrate, they are having a birthday sale from 18th to 31st October.

25% of all plant pods

3 extra 3-plant pods with every garden purchase

A wheel of fortune with additional prizes via promo code

I would highly recommend a smart garden to anyone, when you grow your own produce in your own kitchen, you are helping yourself and our environment. If you grow your own salad and herbs, you are helping to reduce food waste, because you only pick what you need, each year more than one third of the food produced in the world goes to waste.

The produce is 100% organic with no pesticides and no chemicals, there is no loss of nutrients as you pick the ingredients fresh as you want to use them and there are no food miles getting it to your plate and no plastic packaging.

Growing vitamin-rich greens can help to improve your energy levels and can help to reduce your stress levels. Growing plants is known to help reduce anxiety levels.

There are many benefits for kids too, many kids particularly if they live in cities never get to see how produce is grown, most kids will eat things that they have grown themselves and watching them grow from a tiny seed to a mature, nutritious plant that they can eat, introduces them to a sustainable food system.

How I use my smart gardens:

I love my Click & Grow smart gardens, they enable me to grow salads, herbs and fruiting plants such as wild strawberries, chillies, peppers etc organically 365 days a year in my own kitchen.

I live in Ireland which is quite damp, in the summer I grow lots of herbs in my garden but have a problem growing lettuce etc as I have a huge slug problem and I find plants seem to rot in the damp soil before they are fully grown. Therefore during the summer my smart gardens are full of salad plants, this summer I have grown basil, pak choi, green sorrel, rocket, green lettuce, red oak leaf lettuce and romaine lettuce throughout the summer.

In the spring I had tomatoes, peppers and wild strawberries, when these plants were big enough to pot on, I planted them in pots outside and they have continued to thrive, giving me continuous crops of delicious little sweet wild strawberries (these will come back every year) a continuous crop of cherry tomatoes and my green sorrel is quite frankly enormous (this also will come back every year). Some people say 'well the pods are quite expensive, you can buy a packet of herbs etc for less", many plants that grow in a smart garden can be potted on into bigger pots and will continue to provide you with produce for many months making them very economical.

In the autumn, I pot on my basil plants which continue to grow on my kitchen window sill for months and re-plant my smart gardens with a mixture of herbs such as chives, thyme, oregano, coriander, and mint that I have plenty of in the garden in the summer but die back in the winter. I also plant more lettuce plants including red & green oak leaf, red & green romaine, rocket, red & green lettuce and this year for the first time, leaf radish, I generally plant one of each plant and then 3 weeks later another one of each plant to ensure that I have organic homegrown salads and herbs for months to come.

If you want to learn more about the benefits of using a smart garden, see my Smart Garden page above, at the bottom of that page you will see my different blog posts where I have posted in more detail about things such as 'Smart Gardens & Kids' , 'The benefits of smart pods' etc.

If you are interested in buying a Click & Grow smart garden click on this link to the Click & Grow Store to get a 10% discount, that will automatically be applied at checkout & don't forget to use the birthday sale promo code HAPPYBDAYPODS to get a 25% discount on all plant pods during the birthday sale or to get 3 extra 3-plant pods with every garden purchase.


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